Medical director: Doc. Cinchini Elisabetta
Quisisana is the reference point for acupuncture in Ferrara.
Part of the "unconventional" medicines, acupuncture is a therapeutic method that consists in the stimulation of certain skin points by means of very thin needles. In response to this stimulus, nervous and biohumoral mechanisms are activated, capable of rebalancing the altered functions of the organism that are at the basis of the disease being treated.
The acupuncture treatments at Quisisana, for a fee and not affiliated with the National Health System, are carried out by Dr. Giuseppe Barone. They are carried out within a center of excellence, with a centuries-old history and a high degree of selectivity in terms of specialists.
Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that starts from an assumption: in the human body there are channels (the so-called "meridians") in which Qi flows, a fundamental energy for life. When one of these becomes obstructed, the person can experience a range of ailments (from migraines to low back pain). And it is precisely by stimulating the areas of the body where the flow of Qi is blocked, that the patient benefits.
Only those with a degree in medicine can practice acupuncture on humans. This is because the stimulation of the meridians must be done wisely. The acupuncturist knows the exact position of the meridians in the body, and knows which anatomical area to stimulate with the needles when the patient feels pain (or ailment).
The needles used are disposable and only measure a few centimeters. The patient is asked to sit or lie down, freeing the area to be treated from the clothing. Once he is relaxed, the therapist inserts the needles just under the skin leaving them in place for a time set by him. A session lasts between 20 and 40 minutes.
Quisisana provides the service of Acupuncture as a paid service, book your visit now, or contact us for more informations.
The benefits of acupuncture are felt especially in those suffering from:
Acupuncture is a curative therapy, not symptomatic, as it acts on the altered mechanisms of the body. It is a natural medicine absolutely free of side effects, which solves many pathologies and is a valid help for several others. Among the diseases that benefit from acupuncture there are numerous osteoarticular, rheumatological, neurological, cardiac, gastroenterological and respiratory diseases.
Acupuncture is widely used to quit smoking. It is in fact a natural treatment with no contraindications that acts on some of the "consequences" felt by those who choose to quit smoking: from craving (the sudden and uncontrollable desire to take, in this case, nicotine) to irritability, from anxiety to the inability to concentrate.
The needles are inserted in numerous points of the body and in the ears, with the aim of reducing the symptoms that addiction and abstinence bring with them. The stimulated points in fact belong to the auricular and somatic nervous system, and are able to influence hormonal and vascular balances.
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